I am creating 3 Start-Ups and writing 1 book during the Year of the Rabbit.

This article will be dynamically updated.

What’s for you?
– Perhaps can create useful services for you?
– Inspiration ?
– Learning with me on the journey as I will be public with it?
– If it is something else, please contact me and share – interested to know.

What do I need?
– Ideas or tools on how to Validate ideas faster , or automatize operational processes.
– Feedback

The conditions:
– 1 offline company , 1 connected to China company and 1 whatever the company
– As much as possible organizational setup paving the road to autonomous organizations (or at least no need for me)
– Be as public as sensible (value > effort) on the progress and events during the journey.
– be fast and experimentenious (is that a word?) , less deliberate contingency 3rd order effect plans

Success criteria:
– Paying customers or
– Organic growth of interest / traction

The Why?

What do you mean the why?
– Bringing value for other people while having mighty FUN in the process!

I am intrinsically motivated by creation and innovation that might better of existing systems or bring happiness and prosperity for others.

I believe we live in the times when Autonomous Organization are possible and tedious but very important repetitive processes can be done by robots.
Would like to explore that domain.

The progress section:
Here I will try to share updates as things happen on the 3 companies started.

Company 1

Company 2

Company 3